Wheeler Farm

Monday morning we spent a few hours with my sister-in-law, Jenny's, kids at Wheeler Farm.  It is so beautiful there and makes me want to live on a farm so badly.  

The kids rode on the cow train, looked at all the animals, climbed a tree and played in an amazing little tree house.  There was a lot more to do that we never got around to, so i know we will be back.  I really want to go back and milk a cow :). 

Last Disney Days

Our last few weeks in Orlando were spent packing and soaking up Disney.  I am starting to miss Disney terribly on the days that I am bored or need a pick me up.  

This place was so full of magic for us for four whole years.  The smells, the rides, the food... I couldn't have asked for a better place to have gone for residency. 

We will be back, Walt.